has announced that std::auto_ptr
will be
opt in following VC++ 2015 and so this seems a good point to start work on
the C++11 conversion of lexertl. So far I have switched to
and abandoned my pointer containers seeing as
works with STL containers and I'm using Scott Meyers
"Effective Modern C++" to work through other changes. I would like to use fewer
containers of pointers and instead rely on move semantics, so we'll see how that
goes. As time goes on, the thought of a simpler codebase does appeal I must say!
I think making all the changes will take a while as there always seems to be more modernisation that is possible. It will be nice to add in typedefs for the new Unicode types too. When I first wrote lexertl the idea was to use all the best practice I was aware of and so I would like to attempt that again now.
The new version of lexertl
has been released.
I converted the SQL tokens (baring keywords) as follows:
// Macros built into GOLD Parser: rules_.insert_macro("All_Valid", R"([\x01-\xFF])"); rules_.insert_macro("Alphanumeric", R"([\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A])"); rules_.insert_macro("Control_Codes", R"([\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F])"); rules_.insert_macro("Digit", R"([\x30-\x39])"); rules_.insert_macro("Letter", R"([\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A])"); rules_.insert_macro("Whitespace", R"([\x09-\x0D\x20\xA0])"); // Macros defined by SQL grammar: rules_.insert_macro("Any_Ch", "{All_Valid}{-}{Control_Codes}"); rules_.insert_macro("String_Ch", "{Any_Ch}{-}'{+}{Whitespace}"); rules_.insert_macro("Id_Ch_Standard", "{Alphanumeric}{+}_"); rules_.insert_macro("Id_Ch_Delimited_Bracket", R"({Any_Ch}{-}[\][])"); rules_.insert_macro("Id_Ch_Delimited_Bracket_Start", "{Id_Ch_Delimited_Bracket}{-}#"); rules_.insert_macro("Id_Ch_Delimited_Quote", R"({Any_Ch}{-}["])"); rules_.insert_macro("Id_Ch_Delimited_Quote_Start", "{Id_Ch_Delimited_Quote}{-}#"); rules_.insert_macro("Hex_Ch", "[0-9A-F]"); rules_.insert_macro("Nonspace_Ch", "{Any_Ch}{-}{Whitespace}"); rules_.push(R"(--.*|[/][*](.|\n)*?[*][/])", eComment); rules_.push("\n", eNewLine); rules_.push("[\r \t]+", eWhitespace); rules_.push("-", eMinus); rules_.push("!<", eNLT); rules_.push("!=", eNE); rules_.push("!>", eNGT); rules_.push("%", ePercent); rules_.push("&", eBitAnd); rules_.push("[(]", eOpenParen); rules_.push("[)]", eCloseParen); rules_.push("[*]", eTimes); rules_.push(",", eComma); rules_.push("[.]", eDot); rules_.push("[/]", eDivide); rules_.push(":", eColon); rules_.push(";", eSemiColon); rules_.push("[|]", eBitOr); rules_.push("~", eBitNot); rules_.push("[+]", ePlus); rules_.push("<", eLT); rules_.push("<=", eLTE); rules_.push("<>", eNotEqual); rules_.push("=", eEqual); rules_.push(">", eGT); rules_.push(">=", eGTE);
I also got the lookup working today for the SQL parser :-)
For the first time at work there is a requirement for a full blown (SQL) parser.
In the absence of a parser generator to complement lexertl
, I
turned to the internet fully intending to use lemon
It turns out that Arsène von Wyss has had a good go at the SQL Server SQL grammar
but that this grammar is coded for use with the Gold Parsing System
Luckily a compiled state machine, via the Gold Parser Builder GUI, can be exported
to XML. I then used lexertl
to massage this data into C++ tables which I
am going to play around with this week.
Of course I am using lexertl
for all the tokens and
what was interesting is that the non-keyword tokens look like this:
{Any Ch} = {All Valid} - {Control Codes}
So the obvious thing to do was:
lexertl::rules rules_; rules_.insert_macro("AllValid", "[\\x1-\\xff]"); rules_.insert_macro("ControlCodes", "[\\0-\\x1f\\x7f-\\x9f]"); rules_.insert_macro("AnyCh", "{AllValid}{-}{ControlCodes}");
However, lexertl
doesn't currently support the use of regex macros
with the difference operators. Today I decided to fix this which rather opened a
can of worms, so even though changes are now complete I need to do some testing
before releasing the new version. The good news is this means that rules are now
tokenised and validated as they are added, which will make it a lot easier to spot
errors in the debugger. It was also a good excuse to change the rules API on
suggestion of the London C++ User Group. Rules are now added with
and macros and states are added with
and push_state()
A simple example of how to logically reverse a regular expression and search a string backwards using it:
First, build a regular expression tokeniser (std::regex
syntax in ECMAScript mode - the default):
//#include "../lexertl/lexertl/debug.hpp" #include "../lexertl/lexertl/generator.hpp" #include <iostream> #include "../lexertl/lexertl/iterator.hpp" #include <regex> enum eToken {eEOF, eCharset, eQuantifier, eBOL, eEOL, eOr, eBackreference, eOpen, eClose}; typedef std::pair<eToken, std::string> token_pair; typedef std::stack<token_pair> token_stack; lexertl::state_machine g_sm; // std::regex (ECMAScript) syntax: void build_lexer() { lexertl::rules rules_; rules_.insert_macro("posix_name", "alnum|alpha|blank|cntrl|digit|d|graph|" "lower|print|punct|space|s|upper|xdigit|w"); rules_.insert_macro("posix", "\\[(:{posix_name}:|[.]{posix_name}[.]|" "={posix_name}=)\\]"); rules_.insert_macro("escape", "\\\\([^xuc]|x\\d{2}|u\\d{4}|c[a-zA-Z])"); rules_.push("\\\\[0-9]{1,2}", eBackreference); rules_.push("{escape}", eCharset); rules_.push("\\[^?({escape}|{posix}|[^\\\\\\]])*\\]", eCharset); rules_.push("\\^", eBOL); rules_.push("\\$", eEOL); rules_.push("[|]", eOr); rules_.push("[*+?][?]?", eQuantifier); rules_.push("[{][0-9]+(,([0-9]+)?)?[}]", eQuantifier); rules_.push("[(]([?][:=!])?", eOpen); rules_.push("[)]", eClose); rules_.push("(.|\n)", eCharset); lexertl::generator::build(rules_, g_sm); // lexertl::debug::dump(g_sm, std::cout); }
Then, the regex reverser:
void reduce_stack(token_stack &stack_) { std::string str_; for (; !stack_.empty() && ( == eCharset || == eOr); stack_.pop()) { str_ +=; } stack_.push(token_pair(eCharset, str_)); } std::string rev_regex(const std::string &rx_) { std::string str_; std::string curr_; token_stack stack_; lexertl::citerator iter_(rx_.c_str(), rx_.c_str() + rx_.length(), g_sm); lexertl::citerator end_; std::size_t parens_ = 0; for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_) { switch (iter_->id) { case eCharset: stack_.push(token_pair((eToken)iter_->id, iter_->str())); break; case eQuantifier: if (stack_.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Quantifier without regex."); } += iter_->str(); break; case eBOL: // Reverse to eEOL stack_.push(token_pair(eEOL, std::string(1, '$'))); break; case eEOL: // Reverse to eBOL stack_.push(token_pair(eBOL, std::string(1, '^'))); break; case eOr: reduce_stack (stack_); stack_.push(token_pair((eToken)iter_->id, iter_->str())); break; case eBackreference: // See throw std::runtime_error("Backreferences not supported!"); break; case eOpen: stack_.push(token_pair((eToken)iter_->id, iter_->str())); ++parens_; break; case eClose: { if (parens_ < 1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unbalanced parens in regex."); } std::string str_; reduce_stack(stack_); str_ =; str_ += iter_->str(); stack_.pop(); += str_; = eCharset; --parens_; break; } } } for (; !stack_.empty(); stack_.pop()) { str_ +=; } return str_; }
Finally, the calling routine:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { std::string regex_("[A-Z][a-z]+"); std::string str_ = "Ben Test"; build_lexer(); regex_ = rev_regex(regex_); std::regex rx_(regex_); std::regex_iterator<std::string::const_reverse_iterator> iter_(str_.crbegin(), str_.crend(), rx_); std::regex_iterator<std::string::const_reverse_iterator> end_; for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_) { std::cout << iter_->str() << std::endl; } } catch (const std::exception &e_) { std::cout << e_.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
Introduced lexertl::iterator
to ape std::regex_iterator
I finally got around to writing code for a skeletal (very basic) C++ source analyser. I'm still frustrated by the lack of C++11 support in Visual C++, but I'm going for the best techniques I can given the limitations of VC++ 2010. I present the source code below, in case anyone else is interested.
I thought it was about time I used boost::filesystem
and sure enough,
it is very nice to use. Having used std::regex
for previous simple refactoring
(I even did auto checkout and replacement previously), I've now introduced lexertl
C++ Rocks! has a nice example for
and informIT has a nice article on
Although I own the Josuttis (2nd edition) std library book,
It was the informIT article that made me think about regex_iterator
and how
we should use it in the code base at work (a previous refactor I did recently (this one by hand)
had me changing all occurrences of boost::regex
to std::regex
The obvious next step is to introduce lexertl::iterator
in the same vein,
especially as I have already named lexertl::match_results
(with associated typedefs)
in line with the std::regex
Anyway, without further ado here is the new source code scanning code as it currently stands:
#include <assert.h> //#include "../Ben/Private/lexertl/lexertl/debug.hpp" #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include "../Ben/Private/lexertl/lexertl/generator.hpp" #include "../Ben/Private/lexertl/lexertl/lookup.hpp" #include "../Ben/Private/lexertl/lexertl/memory_file.hpp" #include <regex> enum {eEOF, eWhitespace, eComment, eChar, eString, eOpenCurly, eCloseCurly, eOpenParen, eCloseParen, eComma, eSemiColon, eNewline}; lexertl::state_machine sm_; void process(const std::string &pathname_) { lexertl::memory_file file_(pathname_.c_str()); lexertl::cmatch results_(, + file_.size()); do { lexertl::lookup(sm_, results_); if ( == 100) { std::size_t brack_ = 1; std::size_t params_ = 0; std::string format_; do { lexertl::lookup(sm_, results_); } while ( != eOpenParen); do { lexertl::lookup(sm_, results_); switch ( { case eOpenParen: ++brack_; break; case eCloseParen: --brack_; break; case eString: if (brack_ == 1) { format_ += std::string(results_.first + 1, results_.second - 1); } break; case eComma: if (brack_ == 1) { ++params_; } break; } } while (brack_ != 0); assert(brack_ == 0); std::regex rx_("\\{\\d+\\}"); std::cregex_iterator riter_(format_.c_str(), format_.c_str() + format_.length(), rx_); std::cregex_iterator rend_; for (; riter_ != rend_; ++riter_) { std::size_t i = atoi((*riter_)[0].first + 1); if (i >= params_) { std::cout << pathname_ << std::endl; } } } } while ( != 0); } void iterate(const char *path_) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; for (auto iter_ = fs::directory_iterator(path_), end_ = fs::directory_iterator(); iter_ != end_; ++iter_) { // file object contains relative path in the case of // directory iterators (i.e. just the file name) const auto &file_ = iter_->path(); if (file_.extension() == ".cpp") { process(file_.string()); } } } void recurse(const char *path_) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; for (auto iter_ = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(path_), end_ = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(); iter_ != end_; ++iter_) { // file object contains relative path in the case of // directory iterators (i.e. just the file name) const auto &file_ = iter_->path(); if (file_.extension() == ".cpp") { process(file_.string()); } } } void build_lexer() { lexertl::rules rules_; rules_.push("[ \t]+", eWhitespace); rules_.push("[/][*](.|\n)*?[*][/]|[/][/].*", eComment); rules_.push("'(\\\\('|[^']+)|[^\\\\'])'", eChar); rules_.push("[\"]([^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*[\"]", eString); rules_.push("\\{", eOpenCurly); rules_.push("\\}", eCloseCurly); rules_.push("\\(", eOpenParen); rules_.push("\\)", eCloseParen); rules_.push(",", eComma); rules_.push(";", eSemiColon); rules_.push("\r|\n|\r\n", eNewline); rules_.push("tfb::db::sprintf", 100); lexertl::generator::build(rules_, sm_); // lexertl::debug::dump(sm_, std::cout); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2 || argc > 3 || argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "-r") != 0) { std::cout << "USAGE: refactor [-r] <pathname>\n"; return 1; } try { build_lexer(); if (argc == 2) { iterate(argv[1]); } else { recurse(argv[2]); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
Added advance
flag to match_results
for use by
boost.spirit (spirit will turn this flag off).
Added compile time flags to match_results
in order to enable lookup to
be optimised depending on the state_machine
features you are using.
By default all features are enabled as before.
Fixed a push bug in rules.hpp - false
was being stored instead of
Fixed EOL bugs in lookup.hpp and generate_cpp.hpp. Thanks to Markus Dreyer for pointing these out.
Renamed match_results
to bring in line with
Moved match_results
out of lookup.hpp into match_results.hpp.
Added str()
function to match_results
Added POSIX character set support. Note that the help page has been updated and also an examples directory has been added to the zip file. A test directory will also be added at some point.
Added support for (?x:) and (?#).
Added support for {+} and {-}. Examples are [a-z]{-}[aeiou] (creates charset of consonants) and [a-z]{+}[0-9] which results in [0-9a-z].
\n and $ ambiguity was not being resolved for state_machines with wide chars. This is now finally fixed.
Hari Rangarajan pointed me to A memory mapped file implementation. This works so well for files that fit into memory, I have reworked the example as a template class and included it as file memory_file.hpp. See main.cpp for example usage.
More help from Hari Rangarajan. The basic_stream_shared_iterator
has been sped up. This has been achieved by eliminating the linear search
when adding and removing iterators to the internal shared list.
Added an experimental file buffer basic_fast_filebuf
. Construct
with a (text file) filename and drop into the constructor of an
instance to use it. Various people have asked why C++
streams are so slow. Hopefully the use of FILE *
internally in
this buffer will solve the problem for file parsing. All feedback appreciated.
The bug fixes recently are due to reports from Hari Rangarajan, so thanks to
him for his valuable contributions. He pointed out that
just needed a typedef
change and
rename in order to work with other C++ streams, so that change has now been made too.
A colleague used lexertl
yesterday and made the classic mistake
of creating a rule that could match zero characters. This inevitably lead to an
infinite loop in his user code. This convinced me that rules that can match zero
characters should be disallowed by default, but for the expert user there is now
a flag to force the issue - match_zero_len
Finally had a requirement to create a .NET interface to lexertl
So far I have done the proof of concept at work (C++/CLR) and can now call it
from C#. I will see about releasing the source on CodeProject (as the wrapper
was developed in work time..!) when it is in better shape.
Agreed with Hartmut to rename unique_id
to user_id
The auto counter behaviour is gone and instead this id is optionally settable
when adding a rule. This should mean this version is ready for integration with
again, bar testing.
Fixed up the recursive rule handling. Improved the lookup so that leftmost longest is maintained when using recursive rules and added the possibility to push a state other than current.
The code generator still needs attention, but a new release is in order regardless.
I wondered whether it was a retrograde step to make minimise_dfa()
a member function of state_machine
, but after having tried it I am
now convinced that the code is different enough that it is worth it.
can now also be minimised.
Made a change I have been meaning to make for ages: the EOL index is now
the last column in each row. This means if $
is not used in the
rules then no space is wasted for it in the state machine.
When using recursive rules, lookup now checks whether the stack is empty before attempting to pop states.
I've realised that state machine minimisation should be a member function
for each state machine type and currently char_state_machine
does not
support minimisation. I will look into this along with pushing recursive matching as
far as possible. I have started with a simple calculator example in main.cpp.
I will mull how far it is logical to push the recursive rules (i.e. are there
too many problems introduced by supporting simple recursive grammars.)
Decided to add iterator conversion from char32_t
to UTF-8
and UTF-16 (mainly for seeing Unicode tokens on Linux).
Looked in Unicode Explained from O'Reilly and decided to implement Simple Case Mapping (page 245).
Tried compiling with VC++ 7.1 and was pleased to note that it still compiles OK!
I have fixed warnings highlighted by that compiler and added a default constructor
as well as clear()
and reset()
functions to match_results
. These
also work fine with VC++ 7.1.
The char types for rules
and state_machine
have now been separated.
This means that you can use char
based rules with a char32_t
based state_machine
(for example).
I'm now ploughing ahead with Unicode features. More Unicode character sets
have been added, rules and state machines can now cope with char32_t
and I have
even added UTF-8 and UTF-16 iterators after being inspired by UTF8-CPP!
I have decided to definitely allow char
based rules with wide char state machines
and then hopefully that will be the end of the Unicode work for now.
Unicode character sets added
Syntax is, for example, \p{Lu}. So far this is still only using
, as I'm still waiting for Microsoft to support the new
char types for the 32 bit char stuff.
It's a relief to finally have wide char slicing working correctly!
Added a parameter to the code generator for the lookup function name. Also added a parameter so that the DFA can use pointers directly (according to Anteru's testing this is 10% faster).
I've generated code using each 'feature' and found and fixed lots of errors.
Also, the skip
constant was still defined as std::size_t
which would have completely failed for non std::size_t
state machines!
Next up is traits for lookup (performance) and user data for use by the
At the request of Anteru (
I have finally rewritten the C++ (table based)
code generator. I have introduced a 'features' enum
and therefore generate only
the necessary code for any given state machine. I am still testing this code so I am not
updating the rss until that is complete. The zip already contains the latest code however.
Inspired by the work of Roberto Ierusalimschy
It dawned on me that I could easily add recursive rule support to lexertl
(after all
a lexer + stack = parser!) This technique would also be very interesting for a DFA based regex
library (it would be cool to be able to match nested brackets when grepping source code).
VC++ 6 support has finally been removed. The code base was actually already
broken on that compiler and there was no obvious way to fix it. I first wrote
a regex library in 2004 when VC++ 6 was still very much in use. With C++11 now
on the horizon, it seems fair enough to move on (and of course
dropped support for VC++ 6 ages ago).
I have finally whipped the new version into shape. You can now specify the
for the state_machine
if you wish. The default is
as before.
The generator
is now capable of generating a char_state_machine
directly and in fact will cope with a custom state machine type if you set it up right!
In conjunction with this, char_state_machine
doesn't use iterators any more
as the model didn't really work that well. You can dump
state machines as before.
Note that a char_state_machine
will store *real character ranges* even in
mode, whereas state_machine
always slices wide characters,
allowing it to consistently use a 256 entry first phase lookup (Most of you won't care about that,
but for anyone doing code generators this is an important distinction).
The code generator is next in the list to be reworked.
I think I've finally got a proper solution to eol
ambiguity resolution
(slapped wrist for not testing my previous solution more thoroughly).
As usual, doing the right thing (TM) was surprisingly easy, although I'm sure
there must be simpler approaches to ^
and $
handling without all this
post processing. I'm now happily in a position to tackle meatier issues, such as a more flexible
interface and another ponder on look-ahead. I think I can solve at least
half of the look-ahead problem with some regex syntax tree shenanigans, but I need both
and a/a*
to work correctly to really solve it. I may even be able
to use some more post processing thinking about it. Maybe that's the easiest way.
Spoke to Hartmut and agreed to ditch the and instead only update
that code base in boosts SVN repository. Any boost
review is still ages away
and it is a moot point seeing as spirit
has been using the library for years
I finally fixed the ambiguity with $
and \n
in the
code base. The boost
version will be fixed soon.
I will also start work on some kind of abstract state machine interface with Hartmut so that
can produce a char_state_machine
directly soon.
As I haven't got around to making changes in preparation for the re2c
code generator, I have switched to the latest version which includes
the changes mentioned below. I'm thinking that it is probably better to either build to
a char_state_machine
directly in the generator
class and that
it probably doesn't really need iterators. There will be an option as to whether to
group transitions by state or by char cluster. The latter is needed for a
style code generator.
As I have recently started a revamp of lexertl
I have decided to start
a blog to keep everybody up to date. As this version is not feature complete yet, I
have added a separate zip file which you can find
here. Note: These changes are now part
of the main distribution!
So far I have implemented the following improvements:
based state machines (over-ridable).lexertl::skip
token constant.^
) link a singleton (as it can only occur at the beginning of a token).debug::dump()
now compresses ranges.This dramatically reduces the list of (easier) features I wanted to add and just leaves the following for the immediate future:
into a templated type for state machine creation.